Enchanted Hollow Alpacas


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As the seasons turns from Fall to Winter and I think back on this year with our animals, I am very excited for the upcoming show season and for the crias that will be born on our farm.  We were only able to show once last April due to some health issues but our alpacas did great at the CABA show.  We showed 4 of our juvies and they all did very well and now, their fleeces are coming back in even better than last year and our beautiful girls born on our farm are now pre

Summer Heat! Babies due!

Man can you believe the heat!  The alpacas spend most of their days in the barns under the fans.  They like their belly and legs sprayed to cool off.  The babies are growing and very beautiful!  Flower is due to have her baby the end of this month.  Hope it cools off some before then.  Briar Rose is due the 3rd week of next month.  These two are going to be very special babies.  Flower gave us Anakin who was a first

Cria's, Cria's, Cria's

Spring cria season is over and we have 5 gorgeous babies running around on our farm.  We have 1 dusty rose male, 2 dark fawn females, 1 fawn male, and 1 beige girl.  We will have our Baby Days on July 27th to show off our new little ones.  We couldn't be happier with the babies that we have this year.  They are all very beautiful animals.  Each year our babies get better and better and there are 2 that stand out from the rest.  S

Ground Hog Day!

Well, according to the ground hog, we are supposed to have an early Spring, which I am sure ready for.  We have 6 weeks till the first day of Spring.  Our animals are healthy, happy, and very pampered and protected in our barns, bedded in deep straw and warm and cosy.  Tucker spends his older days with the girls in the barn.  We are getting excited to head to some shows this year and see how our animals compete with other farms.  We have been


Proud Member of

Pacific Northwest Alpaca Association Alpaca Owners Association IMpaca